Wow! Well, I finally completed chapter one! Woohoo! Onto chapter two tomorrow.
So, I'm basically about four days behind my schedule, however, there will be far less editing to do going into chapter two. My hope is that I will move through some of these early chapters quickly.
Much of the work in these later chapters are already at a place where I'm pretty happy with it.
We'll see!
So I wanted to talk about a show I started watching on channel nine. It was Dr. Wayne Dyer's show "I Can See Clearly Now". (His book has the same title.)
Anytime I have a chance to watch his talks, I'm glued.
Well, his message showed us a ladder, each run on it had words. The first one was "Willingness" the next one I saw was "Determination". There were more but I recorded it, so I could watch it later. At that point I had to go to sleep.
However, it's both of these that have me inspired to write about it.
The reason why is because I am reflecting on my own life and seeing how I came here to "put pen to paper". I love what I do. It's who I am.
However, the reason I bring it up, is because I hope that you find the "willingness" and "determination" to follow your dreams!
It takes courage and fearlessness to say "I'm doing this no matter what" but when you really start moving in the direction that you're meant to go, things start happening.
I can see that with my writing, it's flowing and I can feel this absolute pull to continue. I have no idea how this will all shape out but I know that I'm here and it won't stop!
There is so much that Wayne has taught us through the years. His books are pure inspiration. I love listening, watching and reading his work...
Anyway, I just wanted to write about him because I hope that you find what your calling is all about. What is the reason why you are here? Everyone has one.
The more you listen to your heart, the more you can find what excites YOU. Then you have to have courage to say "I'm doing this, no matter what!"
You'll know it because it's a song inside of you that won't keep quiet. Every chance it gets, something will happen to help move you in that direction.
I love writing. I will always write. It's what I do.
Find your magic and enjoy the ride that follows.
Anyway, I have to go. Until tomorrow!
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