Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Day Sixty



Dream, Recurring


Cynical by nature, a photographer discovers that she's haunted by a being after she starts having a recurring dream, revealing a secret that only the dead know - with the entity bent on keeping it.

Sixty days of editing so far. Wow. Pretty cool. I have to say that this chapter is coming along really well. Good progress today. 

It shows me that I can really write this within a short time frame too. 

The next one will be produced much faster than this. That's for sure. :)

Anyway, moving back to today. Once this chapter is done, I'll have one left.

At that point, as I've said before, I'll make sure the changes that I need to make because of the errors that I have in this one will be done. 

I'll scrub the grammar and should be pretty close to beginning the countdown.

Moving closer. :)

I hope your day is going really well.


Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Day Fifty-Nine



Dream, Recurring


Cynical by nature, a photographer discovers that she's haunted by a being after she starts having a recurring dream, revealing a secret that only the dead know - with the entity bent on keeping it.

Today was a great day in the beginning process of correcting chapter twelve.

The story is really coming together and I have a sense that wrapping it up is going to be awesome.

I think you'll enjoy it. :)

After this one, is the last chapter of the book to correct. I'm really looking forward to this.

I'm confident that once everything is together it will make every bit a great story. One that you'll want to read more than once.

At least that's my hope.

The interesting thing when I say that is that I feel it's taking a life of it's own. I won't have any control as to what will happen. Finally, it'll be read by more than just me and my editor. :)

Anyway, I just wanted you to know that it has begun in earnest. I also hope that your day is going by really well.


Monday, March 28, 2016

Day Fifty-Eight



Dream, Recurring


Cynical by nature, a photographer discovers that she's haunted by a being after she starts having a recurring dream, revealing a secret that only the dead know - with the entity bent on keeping it.

Well, chapter twelve has officially begun. The editing notes from the first draft and the new formatting is complete. It's now ready to begin the rewriting. 

I'm allowing a full seven days from now on to do the work in this section.

The reason for this is because at this stage the the storyline is so different that most, if not all of this one will need to be completely changed.

Isn't that going to slow you down?

Yes and no.

Yes, because I really wanted to be done with this major overhaul by the end of February. Then, I thought in my mind, by the end of this month. Which isn't going to happen. Lol.

No, because I know it will be so worth it. The time it takes me to make sure I'm producing a story that I've always wanted to tell and pushing myself to make it the best it can be, will only help you enjoy it even more.

I really feel I've been answering this call this time round.

The really cool thing is, I've realized that I can write my story much faster than the first draft. Wow!

That part's cool.

However, I also have to acknowledge that it's better planning too which has caused me to ensure every book/story I write will have the same structure involved. The process is as follows:

Treatment (of each act).
General Outline.

I think that doing this will help me develop clarity before I even put "pen-to-paper" on the book.

It will also help the editing curve too. Since I should, in theory, have a well constructed tale.

Anyway, I hope your Monday is going well (or whatever day it is for you) :) .

I look forward to talking to you tomorrow.


Thursday, March 24, 2016

Day Fifty-Seven



Dream, Recurring


Cynical by nature, a photographer discovers that she's haunted by a being after she starts having a recurring dream, revealing a secret that only the dead know - with the entity bent on keeping it.

This is an amazing day as I have just finished the eleventh chapter! Woohoo! 

Onto the next. Wow!

That's huge for me. Plus very helpful. 

Two more to go and I'll have the major rewriting done. Hopefully there won't be too many corrections from my amazing editor. Lol.

I don't really care about that because I know this book has shaped into the kind of story I always wanted to tell here. Actually it's much more than that.

So what happens when I have this rewriting done?

Good question. 

Well, I'll make the minor changes that my wife noticed in the earlier chapters, which won't take nearly as long.

Then I'll scrub it for grammatical errors.

Once that's done, it'll be ready to copyright and I'll be able to have someone read it through for the first time.

This proofreading will help me ensure that I'm not missing anything and that'll really be the first time anyone will have read it through (besides editing). :)

This is perfect timing.

I'm growing in excitement as it moves closer to being able to finally begin countdown and finally launching the book.

Anyway, I hope your day is going really well and I look forward to talking to you tomorrow!


Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Day Fifty-Six



Dream, Recurring


"Cynical by nature, a photographer discovers that she's haunted by a being after she starts having a recurring dream, revealing a secret that only the dead know - with the entity bent on keeping it."

Okay well, I've managed to move through three quarters of this chapter now. Which may mean that I'll be done with this one tomorrow. If not, should definitely be the following day.

This is awesome! Especially if I can finish it tomorrow. That'll put me three whole days ahead of schedule on this section. 

It seems that because my sole focus is getting the rewriting down and complete, so my wife can do her thing, I'm finding no time to get the website up.

However, it also means that I'll have created the space for it as I wait for her to move through the rest of the book. :)

This will be a good thing as I want to get that going as quickly as I can. Plus of course I need to finish the cover.

The sooner I can get it so you can take a look at that and possibly follow me from there the better. Lol.

Anyway, I hope your day is going awesome!


Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Day Fifty-Five



Dream, Recurring


"Cynical by nature, a photographer discovers that she's haunted by a being after she starts having a recurring dream, revealing a secret that only the dead know - with the entity bent on keeping it."

Welcome to Tuesday (at least it is where I am. Lol.)

So I'm already halfway through the eleventh chapter. This part of the old story only needs some small tweaks to bring it up to the current story-line.

It's awesome to feel that I'm working at a brisk pace on this one. The sooner the better. Lol.

The quicker I reach chapter twelve, the faster I finish. :)

I hope all is well with you today. 

I'm learning a new style of marketing (well new for me anyway). I think that it'll really help me create some solid momentum for the launch.

Learning and acting on that, along with the other things I need to do before the book goes on sale is fun and exciting!

Well, I hope you have a fantastic day!


Monday, March 21, 2016

Days Fifty-Two, Fifty-Three And Fifty-Four



Dream, Recurring


"Cynical by nature, a photographer discovers that she's haunted by a being after she starts having a recurring dream, revealing a secret that only the dead know - with the entity bent on keeping it."

I know it's been a while since my last post but I do have some really good progress to report.

Firstly, I've finished the major overhaul of chapter ten! Woohoo!

Secondly I'm making great advancement with the eleventh chapter. Whew!

In this new one I've already formatted and corrected any notes that were made from the first draft and now I'm already a quarter the way through this one.

If I can keep at a brisk(ish) pace, I might see myself completing this sooner than seven days. (Here's hoping!)

After this I'll have only two left and the need to get my website active so you can take a look at that too.

Of course I'll make any minor corrections that will be needed to get it finally polished to the point where I think you'll really enjoy it.

And then, the countdown will begin!

Anyway, I hope today is an amazing day for you! Wherever you are.


Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Day Fifty-One


I'm going to start every post from now on with the title and the logline.

It occurred to me that I maybe having new readers come here and I thought it'd be good to let them know (and remind you too) of what this is all about.

So here goes:


Dream, Recurring


"Cynical by nature, a photographer discovers that she's haunted by a being after she starts having a recurring dream, revealing a secret that only the dead know - with the entity bent on keeping it."

Let your imagination wonder! :)

So today was exciting as I interlaced some more of the new material in with the old.

I think it'll look really good.

Wait a minute! I keep saying that don't I?

I know, I know. I'm probably just a tad bit bias. Lol. However, I think what I'm feeling is that the pieces are starting to come together. 

After all, every day I get closer and closer to being complete with the manuscript.

It's hard not to feel that energy. It's been a project of mine that has lasted years.

Even for you, it's been months. (Or days.) Unless this is your first post that you're checking out. In which case: "welcome"!

Still I'm not ready. 

However, I can see this coming together now pretty quick.

I haven't been able to start my website yet but I should be working on that real soon.

Anyway, thank you again for being here.


Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Days Forty-Nine And Fifty


Wow! Okay, so its been a while. Well, I've been able to move through some more of chapter ten. That's the good news. 

The bad news is, right now, it's slow going because there is the new material that I'm splicing into the story.

However I'm getting there. It'll look awesome when this section is done. I can't wait!

Well, it's been an eventful weekend and Monday. Some of the time has been spent waiting for the power to come back on and part of the time has been doing the other things I need to do around the house. Lol.

In any case, here we are and I'm back at it looking forward to continuing to make incredible progress on this wonderful book.

I hope your Tuesday/Wednesday is going great! Edging ever closer to the weekend. Lol.

I hope you're plans for your days off are restful and enjoyable, no matter what you're going to do!

Anyway, I'm happy to be back at it. I look forward to tomorrow.

Talk to you later.


Friday, March 11, 2016

Day Forty-Eight


So I missed yesterday because we had the power go out. It came back on later that day but I was already passed the point where I could write anything.

Anyway, here we are, back at it. I've now just reached the halfway point and I'm working hard to interlace new material with old. It's doable but challenging.

I know once I work it in, the chapter will go quicker. (As I feel it has for me.)

This is a lot of fun. I've said it before but there is a reward in creating. No matter what you do. It's kind of cool.

Once this section is complete I'll have just three more to go. Wow, it's starting to get closer. Whew!

I guess I don't have much to say today. Lol. 

Oh, the website will be coming soon. I'll let you know when it's up so you can check it out.

Hope you have an amazing day!


Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Day Forty-Seven


Well, today is another very productive one. I'm now closing rapidly on the halfway point of the chapter. I should zip pass that tomorrow, with any luck.

It amazes me as I see growth in the amount of people following my progress. From here, to Twitter and Facebook, there are more and more deciding to keep an eye out on how I'm doing. 

Thank you all for your support. It is without doubt inspirational.

How this will all turn out, only time will tell. However, I think I'm off to a pretty good start. :)

This would mean that if ever you were thinking of creating any kind of project I would start talking about it early. (With one exception: business.) 

I think that it's probably prudent to wait on that one. 

However, when talking about a screenplay, novel, or whatever which requires you to build a platform before it's launch then you absolutely have to begin as soon as possible.

It takes time. Patience is called for as you start looking at what you want to do.

I also feel that once I have my foundation, the next one should be easier. I'm learning a lot. 

Anyway. I hope today brings you all that you hope for.

Talk to you tomorrow.


Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Day Forty-Six


Nice day today. I have the formatting complete and I've begun detailed work of the chapter.

The great thing is, I do have some fantastic material from the first draft that I'm able to keep because it flows so perfectly with the story.

I love it when this happens. Because it's an incredible time saver. It means that I have a chance of completing this sooner and that can't be bad.

So I have people say to me that they can't wait to read my book and I tell them "neither can I"!

While this always gets a good chuckle, it highlights the fact that, even though I have an outline of where this will ultimate go, it is also and should be partly driven by good characters.

You want to always help guide them but sometimes they need to explore too.

I think it helps to have incredible depth to each of your main people in the story.

It also is good to have depth to lesser known people too. Not everyone needs that. Some are just in passing, so you don't (as a writer) really need to understand their whole story.

Anyway, I hope that your day is going really well and I look forward to talking to you tomorrow.


Monday, March 7, 2016

Day Forty-Five


Well, good morning (afternoon or evening, depending where you are in the world. :) )

It's Monday here. Time once again to resume letting you know how things are going. 

So, I've well and truly begun chapter ten. The editing notes are complete and the formatting is over halfway done.

In addition, there is large sections that I'm actually keeping. (There maybe some small tweaks but over all, so far I have this feeling that moving through this part of the book won't take as long as the others have.)

Great news from that point of view. Because the quicker I can do that, the faster I can reach the next chapter.

Which of course means the closer I am to reaching the end of the major editing phase.

Does this mean that I will be done and I'll be ready to publish?

Not quite. I have to have the new material reviewed and I already need to make some small changes to the earlier chapters but it does mean that a large part of the workload will be finished!

Plus, the way in which this novel has unfolded, I think will make you very happy (I hope) to read it.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy today and I look forward to talking to you tomorrow!


Friday, March 4, 2016

Day Forty-Four


Wow! I did it! I'm done with the major editing phase of chapter nine! 

Onto the next one tomorrow! Whew.........

What a relief. I have this feeling you're going to really enjoy it.

When I'm done with the editing (including grammatical checks, etc.) I'm going to post here, once a week, the first two pages of each chapter for you to read!

This will signal the countdown to publication and of course launch.

Remember, there are thirteen chapters.

That will give me the time I need to start the process of creating my website, moving the manuscript to Amazon and finalizing the cover, etc.

Plus I think you'll enjoy taking a small peak into the journey that the story is. Actually, I really think you'll love it!

At least I hope you do.

Anyway, I'll talk more about that as I get closer to beginning the countdown.

In the meantime, for me this is Friday so, you know what that means...

I'll talk to you again on Monday! :)

I hope you have an amazing day and a great weekend!


Thursday, March 3, 2016

Day Forty-Three


Well, the great news is, I should be done with chapter nine tomorrow. I'm looking forward to moving into the next one. I can't wait!

This journey, I've been told, feels like I am taking you on a ride with me as my book moves into publication.

That makes me feel really happy because I want to share the experience with you. I feel like if I can do this, you may find your voice and want to contribute what inspires you, no matter what that is, to the world.

The question for me becomes the "what if". "What if" you look at this and realize that you are doing something or feel an urge to create but was never sure if you could really do it?

Maybe by watching this you think "I'm going to give it a try!"

Wow! That would be awesome!

If someone asked me what my market was I would say I like to help people feel like they are a part of something special. Because you are!

Not just this blog, of course, but what you are as a person! In my understanding I hope that everyone is able to bring their own uniqueness and believe that they can do it too. If they put their minds to it!

That means if you can stay focused on your passion, the chances are you'll start bring it to life!

Wouldn't that be awesome!

So what's my market? Simply put, it's the belief that you are unique and I just want to share what I do in the hopes that I can inspire you to share what you do.

Doesn't have much to do about the paranormal does it? Lol.

Well, it never really does. We write what we know and for sure I'm sharing a novel that I can speak with to some authority! However, the real knowledge comes in the fact that I can put this together in a way I think you'll really love and at the same time feel like your sharing in the journey!

Pretty cool huh?

I hope your day is an awesome one!


Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Day Forty-Two


Okay, so I'm three quarters the way through this chapter. Whew!

It's feeling like a challenge. However I've found that often when writing becomes difficult, as I push through it seems to be a better section.

In other words. Even if there are difficulties in writing, ALWAYS move through it! Getting it down in the beginning (or a second time) will help you complete your novel.

(I'm moving to a larger font mainly because I find it's easier for me to see it while I'm writing. Lol.)

Yes I'm forty-five and I like to see slightly larger words. Lol. :)

Anyway, despite the obvious challenges that I'm having with this one, I am getting there. I'll be very happy when I move to chapter ten.

I think because I already know that I have quite a bit there that I want to keep. Which will ultimately save time.

At the pace I'm currently going, I should be able to start that one by Saturday. We'll see. :)

I hope that you will have an awesome day, and may all of your dreams be coming true.


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Day Forty-One


Okay, first of all, I have to say sorry. I didn't get to posting anything yesterday because, even though I had to be somewhere super early, I just felt too exhausted to do any writing afterwards.

I hope you're okay with that.

The weekend kind of went the same way. So I really didn't get very far at all. (It was my intention and hope to be in chapter ten by now.) But that has slowed down a little.

However, I'm back on track and now surging forward! Woohoo!

As I approach chapter ten, I'm realizing that this is really coming together more and more. Things are starting to move a little faster for me as I prepare for Launch.

There is still much to do:

*I have a website to build.
*A newsletter that I want to put out once a week for my subscribers. (What to say in there is important to me.)
*Making sure the cover is looking good.
*Ensure editing is as complete as I can make it, so you'll enjoy the story.
*Begin the process of countdown to launch. (Yes I have an idea when it comes to this. However, I haven't quite developed my complete picture yet.)
*Synopsis for Amazon and cover too.

I'm sure I'm forgetting something but it definitely shows that I still have much work to do. Lol.

Anyway, I really feel I'll be making great headway this week. Thank you again for your incredible support. Just being here is awesome!

I hope you have an amazing day! (Whatever day it is for you. :) )
