Thursday, January 26, 2017

What Have I Learned About Writing A Book?


It occurred to me that I haven't documented what the process is for writing a novel.

So this post I will show you what I've learned thus far when it comes to the actual physical producing. 

Working the development in this way will help you to create clarity in the story. Once you get to the actual writing of the book, it'll go a lot easier.

Format for a novel:

Brainstorm                                                    (Pre-production)
General Outline


1st draft                                                       (Production)

2nd draft                                                     (Post-production)
3rd (and final) draft

Proofread and final format


Cover design front and back

Advertorial (for back cover)    Worked at the same time as "Cover"


Tomorrow, I'll start going into more depth for each one. This is the basic outline.

Hope you enjoy.


Monday, January 2, 2017

Recap Of 2016 Plus The Plans For 2017


Well what a year 2016 has been for me.

I was finally able to publish my first book and begin work on the screenplay.

But what were my goals at the beginning?

Well, funny you ask. It's interesting how plans and Life seem to differ and what ultimately transpires is usually for the best...

This time last year I was hoping to have my book done and published around March-April. I thought I could push through editing quickly so I would move to the script. 

I wanted that done and working towards an Agent in Hollywood.

Because I still wanted to publish "A Grain of Sand" by the end of last year.

That's A LOT of work! Especially for a part-time Author.

It's funny now because I realize that that schedule was far too aggressive. I needed more time on the first book.

I needed to make sure the story was the way I wanted it, so you could enjoy it! Plus I wanted to say "yes, this was the tale that I wanted to tell".

By taking my time I can also make sure that the screenplay is done well. 

I needed help with it too, although I didn't realize it at the time...

In addition, I came to the conclusion that "A Grain of Sand" needed time to grow in my mind. When it comes out, I hope it will inspire people. 

I have a feeling that my writing will be headed in that direction...

It'll be a far cry from the "Island River Tales" series that is just now coming to life.

Anyway, I have learned many lessons along this road of publication. Plus, I am growing in the help I need to complete each project.

It truly is a blessing...

So what can you expect from me this year?

Well, the screenplay with be dominant, at least for a while.

I need to have that in a position where I can see headway, as it hopefully moves slowly into production.

We'll see.

I am fortunate to have my Mentor by my side to aid me along in this quest.

In addition, I want to publish "When Night Has Fallen" by the end of the year.

That will be the second in the series of "Island River Tales".

I have a feeling that those two projects are going to keep me busy. I am also working on connecting more with you, my readers. 

You'll see posts on my Facebook page which are more personal/inspirational.

I really enjoy making those connections...

Anyway, I think that is enough for now. It should help you see where my mind is at. My focus...

I hope you had an amazing holiday and that your year will be even better than the last!

Many thanks.
