Thursday, October 12, 2017

Update on Dream, Recurring

It's been over a year now since I launched Dream, Recurring and during that time I have seen so much support from so many people.

What has happened is that I have discovered the character arc of Lucy not as deep as I want it to be. Back in 2016, I wasn't aware of that. The theme of "forgiveness" is something I discovered that I wanted to enhance, also, something I touched on last year but didn't know to take full advantage of. Making it more pronounced is something I need to do.

Plus, it appears there is some "clean up" which is needed in the book.

The GREAT news is is that the STORY itself is rock solid. So I'm not changing anything where that's concerned. 

What it will mean is a better connection between reader and characters. Plus a theme that should leave you with some kind of positive impact.

Fixing this in book 1 will enhance the rest of the series, helping to make it an even better tale to read. (At least that's my opinion. Lol.)

In addition, each book thereafter will have a theme of its own:

The theme of book 2 is "Love"; book 3 "Faith" and book 4 "Enlightenment".

All of this is under the Paranormal story you have enjoyed so much.

Book 2 is almost halfway done with the theme already in it.

Plus, when book 1 is ready for its updated revision, I will announce a week where you can get an eBook copy for free.

It will be the last time I release a free copy of one of my novels, preferring instead to do $0.99 promotion after that.

I hope you will come to enjoy this new version as much as I am enhancing it.

As for the release date for the revision is concerned, I'll let you know closer to the time so you can take full advantage of it.

Thank you again for your incredible support over this year. I know without you, I wouldn't be able to become a better writer.


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Destiny Tied To Your Story

"Destiny Tied To Your Story"

As we move through this thing we call "Life", we will meet many people. Some stay around for a while, yet others are here for a lifetime.

Sometimes you meet someone where the connection is so deep and profound you are left wondering "was that real". Some of these people are only in your life for a moment and then they're gone.

If someone is no longer there, it's okay.

I've had this happen more times than I can count. Sometimes, I've been that person that has entered a life, only to leave it a short while later.

Julia Roberts has said it the best. "Their part in your story is over."

Are they bad people? No. It means you were meant to spend a brief moment in the sun with them before they (or you) moved on.

Have an amazing day!


Friday, September 22, 2017

Living The Life of Your Dreams

To forge a good life, you must undertake many challenges. Rising above them and learning to harness your dreams will make you great.

Find what inspires you and go do it! :)

This is just a short post to hopefully keep you inspired to create your dreams. We all have come here to do something rather special, so wouldn't that be awesome if you were able to do it?

I will publish something soon that talks a little about following your passion and maybe finding ways to earn a living from it. 

Hope you have an amazing day!



Friday, September 8, 2017

Rachel Poli Interview

Well, here is the last of the interviews up to this point. Rachel Poli was a very gracious host and I loved the questions she asked about my writing process.

From here on out, I'll post the interview on my other blog and then let you know that one has come up, in case you wanted to check it out. (Actually, just like I'm doing now. Except it won't be every day. Rather only when comes up. Lol.)

Here's the link:

I hope you enjoy it!

Have an awesome day. :)


Thursday, September 7, 2017

The Reading Bud Interview

Wow, okay. So this interview I enjoyed for many reasons. One of them was the question about my five favorite authors.

The Reading Bud is a fantastic website that takes great pride in bringing publishers and authors together for the sole purpose of presenting good reading material for the reading public.

I felt humbled to have such an opportunity. 

If you would like to check out the blog, then hop on over to:

And enjoy! :)

Hope you have an excellent day!


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

AwesomeGang Interview

Here is the link to my blog:

Mark Canniff Media

In there, you'll find the interview from Awesomegang. This one is short, but still fun to do and I enjoyed every minute of it!

I also answered a question about marketing back then. Needless to say, I've learned a little since that time. But it's interesting to see what my "take" was on what I thought should happen. 

I'm always learning new things and marketing is one of those items that I don't think I'll ever know enough. Lol. In the coming weeks and months, you should begin to notice a difference in what I communicate with you.

Hopefully, it'll look better. (Like my website.)

Anyway, I hope you have an amazing day!


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The First Two Interviews Posted on My Blog

I have the first two interviews on my new blog. One is from IndieView and the other is from SeriousReading

The latter was never posted to my website because I ran out of room but you can find them here

Both of these were a pleasure to do. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I loved answering them!

Have an amazing day. :)


Friday, September 1, 2017

Mark Canniff Media

I have a new blog for the sole purpose of sharing my media encounters. (Minus my first story in the Stanwood/Camano News.)

I've simply decided to call it: "Mark Canniff Media". I know, it has that impression that I might have something to do with a media company. (Or that I created my own.) But rest assured I'm just keeping the reference simple. Lol. :)

Anyway, please check it out. I hope you enjoy it:

May you have an amazing day!


Sunday, July 16, 2017

I've Updated My Website


I have a new look. After some series soul searching, I realized that I could present my stories and me in a better light. 

It should now give you a more pleasing appearance. I hope you enjoy!

Mark Canniff

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Why Did I Choose the Paranormal?

I get asked this question quite a bit, so I wanted to take a moment to answer it.
I've experienced the "paranormal" from a young age. If I'm honest about it, my first encounter happened when I was about six years old.
Our grandparents were putting us to bed (my sister and me) in what we called the "yellow room" of their house. 
As you can guess, the theme of that bedroom was yellow.
Anyway, My grandma was tucking in my sister in her bed. While my grandpa was right beside me, as we walked through the doorway, as he was preparing to do the same. I happened to look outside of the window, next to my bed and I could see red glowing eyes staring back at me. The distance between the two "eyes" suggested something rather large.
What I saw outside freaked me out. Of course. And I found myself screaming pointing to the thing outside of the window. Well, of course, grandpa was trying to calm me down, reassuring me that nothing was there.
I knew better...
(This event may not seem very scary for some. Indeed, if I saw it today, it might unnerve me but I certainly wouldn't be reacting like I did as a child, then again, I was only six. Lol.)
It took me a while to go to sleep that night with my grandpa by my side. But I drifted off and never saw that "thing" again.
I didn't have much of anything else that I can remember happen to me until I was in my teenage years.
By this time, I had grown curious and wanted to learn more.
My writing had started to reflect that. I was producing outlines for future books (in my mind) that all had a supernatural theme. Leaving my imagination to wander.
It sort of became a natural fit that I would move into this genre as my experiences in life have seen a fair bit.
Plus, of course, my "faith" (which is of my own understanding), has helped to drive the curiosity even deeper.
So, creating a fictional story. that surrounds a paranormal theme as I explore my own theories about what could be going on is a natural fit for me.
In many ways that my whole life has helped to "guide" me in that direction.
So, that is how I became interested in this subject. A real sense that there is plenty of depth and I can keep exploring "until the cows come home" if I wanted to. :)
I hope your day is an awesome one.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Doing Something Different - Chances of Success


(Fair warning: This is by far my longest post yet. Enjoy.)

There is a mountain that we all climb when we are working towards a goal. Especially if it is one that we want to see a measure of "success" from.

But what do we determine is a favorable outcome?

Well, that depends. Mainly on what you see and believe is "successful".

For some that can mean a financial windfall. While others it might mean the love of a family.

However, let me ask this - What do YOU decide when it comes to what matters to you about the meaning of the word "success"?

THAT is, at the end of the day, what you should really be focused on after all. :)

Here is a list (which is well known) of the eleven steps:

1. "I Won't" 
2. "I Can't" 
3. "I Don't Know How" 
4. "I Wish I Could" 
5. "I Want To" 
6. "I Think I Might" 
7. "I Might" 
8. "I Think I Can" 
9. "I Can" 
10. "I Am" and finally: 
11. "I Did"

At this point I would like to take you through those 11 steps that you will climb, should you decide to take on the "mountain". In this example I write from an author's perspective with a later post summing it up by tying in how it can work for you:

1. "I Won't"

So the flash of brilliance is thought of and written down. The first thing that I thought of was “Wow, this would make a great book!”
The second thing I remember thinking (just moments after the excitement settled down) was “Yeah, right! Like THAT’S going to happen!”

There in lies the truth of the first step.

It’s almost like buying a new car: “This car is AWESOME!” Followed shortly by: “I have to pay HOW much each month?!”

Writing a novel is a lengthy process. There was a sense of reality that quickly set in when I realized that I would be creating a story that was massively longer than I’ve ever written before. Of course my immediate view is that there is no way I can write something that large. What would I write about?
My reaction leads me to: “There’s just no way I’ll be able to do this.”

I give up before I even begin. It’s admittedly the easy way out. To be honest I wasn’t really committed to the story back then. I knew I could walk away from it and “walk away” I did. For a while.

However, This still didn’t stop me from occasionally thinking about it. My next step kind of happened shortly after the first. Actually I would say they worked together for a while before I returned to “I won’t”.

At that moment I had shut myself down and felt I was done. Even though it was an easy way out. Quitting always is though.

2. “I Can’t”

This is the next step in the process. This is still the early “resistance” phase. However, it’s a good place to be because now you’re thinking  in the back of your mind “maybe I can”. This is quickly followed by “no I can’t”.

I remember this. As I stated above, The first moment of resistance and this one almost happen at the same time. However, once you are in the “I can’t” stage, you have to ask yourself “do I really want to do this?”

In my case I eventually answered “yes” to that question.

Essentially, if you want to do the same, then you’ll find, as I did, that you move to the next step in the process.

3. “I Don’t Know How”

I love this moment because now it’s actually asking a very important inquiry. You are moving to acceptance, you’re not quite there but at least you’re asking the question.

This was a tough moment for me because I literally did not know how to create enough “story”. It took a long time before the “pieces started to fall in place”.

These included, but not limited to: character development, plot, background, etc. Essentially the “entire pie”.
This was a tough time for me because I really struggled. At least I was moving forward, even if I didn’t think I was. (Actually there were years where nothing happened. Writer’s block had set in for a while.)

This eventually led to the next moment in this “climb up the mountain”.

4. “I Wish I Could”

So now you are one moment away from “acceptance”. Once you reach that precious thought, there is almost no turning back.

The mountain beckons your name. It calls you from the top. You can barely hear it but it’s there.

This was where I found myself dreaming of that story. Wanting to produce a mystery that even my wife couldn’t resolve.

How important was that to me?

In a word: “very”. She is incredible at figuring out “who did it” in the first five or ten minutes of a movie. Much to my chagrin.

The question I kept asking myself was “how could I even fool her for THAT long?”

It plays to the heart of the book. The very reason for being.

This is where you realize what goals you want to achieve and create the vision that will carry you through the rest of the process.

5. “I Want To”

Now is the “acceptance” phase. You are saying “I would love to see this story published” and “how awesome would that be”.

You are, actually almost halfway up the mountain. In each step that you move to, you can hear the “voice” at the top which keeps saying: “you can do it!” get louder and louder.

At this point I remember that I really wanted to see this book become a reality. I was imagining my wife coming back to me saying how much she loved it and that she couldn’t figure it out. I knew that if I could achieve that I might have something.

This is where you will define your dream. This is what the novel looks like to you. It could be a reaction or an acceptance of you as a writer. Whatever it is, this is the point you believe that you can.

You have begun the road of “creation”. “Belief” is that first step. “faith” is the next followed by “knowing” which is the last.

6. “I Think I Might”

Planning has restarted. The pieces are starting to expand. You can see your characters, the plot is now beginning to make sense. Depth is starting to show itself.

Wow, what a moment! You can now start looking back and go: “I’m actually seeing a possibility.

You are now halfway up the mountain.

I didn’t start writing here but you might be at the point of having a crack at it.

It won’t last long because you are still not quite ready to put “pen to paper” fully yet.

From now on, there is no going back. You have passed the point of no return. You are developing and creating what will become your book. From a Writer’s perspective, the urge of storytelling is taking over.

7. “I Might”

You haven’t quite reached “faith” yet but you are now firmly in “belief”. This is a good thing.

Has writing begun yet? No.
However, you are moving much closer. It isn’t going to be long.

For me I had a good outline and the plot was pretty well developed. I still was missing that critical piece which would make me believe that telling this story was even possible.
This is where you will find yourself.

You are so close you can taste it! However, the beginning may still allude you. This is okay. There maybe one or two pieces of your novel that hasn’t quite made it into play yet. You now know that you are moving forward even if you haven’t quite started writing it yet.

8. “I Think I Can”

This is where “faith” begins. You are now believing in yourself and are actually about ready to begin the “writing” phase of your work. You have crossed that bridge from “belief” and moved into this all important critical point.

From here on out, the likelihood of you actually taking on this massive project has now increased five-fold.

At this point you may have written your first chapter. This was where I in fact did.

I stopped after that first one because I didn’t quite have the last pieces needed but what I did discover was the possibility in completing it.

Still it took another two years before I was really ready.

9. “I Can”

This is where the last section of the story concept will be formed. You now have everything you need to begin this incredible journey.

“Faith” is growing. You in fact will be moving to “knowing” soon. This is a critical step and one that can’t be understated.

Your excitement is building and you can’t help but talk about your project. People may actually become tired of hearing it. Don’t be deterred, the more you put it out there, the more committed you become. You are now wanting to write this, not just for yourself or the one that you are hoping will enjoy it but for others too. The path is becoming clear.

10. “I Am”

Finally, you have reached “knowing”. This is where the writing begins and you can start to see the “light at the end of the tunnel”.

At this point it becomes important to finish your first draft, because there is no greater feeling (in the beginning) to know that you can write 50,000+ words.

Now you’re seeing this through to the end. The first draft may not be what you were hoping for but through the editing process you’ll create your masterpiece!

11. “I Did”

For a self-published author, like myself, you don’t have to go through an agent or traditional publisher.

If you do, continue with step 10 until you have your contracts signed by the agent and/or publisher and they’ve taken you the rest of the way.

If you’re an “Indie Author” then congratulation, you did it! The book is now out there for the world to see!

At the end of the day, in my opinion, YOU have a direct impact on whether you are able to feel the accomplishment of what you are attempting. YOU get to decide. No one else. Sure, others will judge you but THEY don't walk in your shoes. Do they?

For me that's what matters. The view that I think works best is: 

"I am the one on this path. No one else. I get to decide when I have reached the top. No one else. I am in control of my feelings and how I choose to respond to my challenges. No one else can do that for me."

The next post will focus on the four levels of "manifesting" that goal. Where does it start from and how do you finally get to see it in the physical world?

The point of the next entry is for you to see where it comes from and how important that process is as you move up the "Mountain of Success".

Have an amazing day!
