Friday, January 29, 2016

Day Eighteen


Well, today I moved through some more of the editing on chapter six. I'm being careful here because I want to make sure that this chapter really helps to develop the new material which is consistent with the earlier chapters.

This means I'm moving slowly. No rush. No need to be. The better it is, the more you'll like it. Simple.

I also am making sure that I have a sense of originality here. (Which I believe I do.) The reason for this is because I'm pushing myself to say "yes, I can do this". Also, I think you'll appreciate a cool perspective.

What do you hear from Hollywood Executives? "Give me the same, only different."

The reality is, there are only so many major themes to pull from. However, what we do as writers is to show you that in a new way. Hence the line above.

I have to say, I LOVE writing. There is so much that I learn from it. I think from a professional sense it is the hardest thing that I have ever done. Plus it really is the most rewarding.

(This of course doesn't include being a father, which IS the most rewarding and most difficult of anything you can do, from my point of view. Besides of course being a mother. :) )

However, I'm not talking about that, obviously.

How amazing it is to create something from your own mind and to see it come to life. Plus all of the work that I do to help raise awareness of this amazing journey.

In my mind I think, "what if you watched this all unfold and realized that maybe, just maybe, you could follow your dreams too!"

Think about it - If you do what you love, you never have to work a day in your life! (Because you don't see it as "work".)

How awesome that could be.

Anyway, I'll talk to you on Monday. Have an incredible weekend!


Thursday, January 28, 2016

Day Seventeen


Running late today. I over slept a little. (By about an hour.)

The good news is, since I'm my own boss, I can't really fire myself. Or write me up for being late. Lol.

However, despite that, I did manage to move through some of the editing on chapter six. Something I realized is that editing the chapters from now on is going to go slowly. In some cases it'll change so much that most of it will be new.

That's good. I want to make sure that what isn't working anymore is removed and replaced with the new flow of the story. (Actually, the original idea.)

It really amazes me why I allowed the first draft to run like it did. I guess I needed to REALLY get it out of my system. Lmao!  Plus, if I didn't do that, then what would I have learned? Since you grow most when you make a mistake.

Writing is rewriting as they say!

It's incredible how a writer can take something which might be a little sluggish or whatever and turn it into an exciting piece of literature. It's the art of the writer. :)

When I reach my next book, the process will be:

Title, Logline, Synopsis, Treatment, Outline, Novel.

Sounds like a lot but I already have the title (and I sort of have the outline too). Lol. I think that would be probably the best method for me.

Anyway, I must move on to the rest of my day.

I hope you're enjoying this and realizing if you ever want to write a book - go for it! Don't hold back! Small steps equals a large accomplishment.

The important thing to do is daily effort.

Have a great day.


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Day Sixteen - Definitely Into Chapter Six Now


Well, chapter five is officially edited and I can now begin the next chapter.

The interesting thing is that I've now added quite a large amount of story which basically means that I have pushed the original chapter almost to seven.

This is where the rubber's going to meet the road now though because the story has changed for the better.

So what does this mean?

Well, I think this will take me a couple of days to move through six. If chapter seven happens the same then I will be at eight for Monday. If I'm off by a little then it will depend by how much.

These days are blurring together now as I hopefully put this book into shape.

On a side note - My wife has read the first four chapters of the new material and she really enjoyed it. It has the feeling of the original story, which is what I'm aiming for.

I will most likely have some minor changes to do there but it won't take me nearly as long as this one is.

I believe that the target of February 29th is still a really good goal and achievable. Hoping to have enough time to make sure the tweaks are done plus the final grammatical checks are performed.

Anyway, just a quick note today. I hope this finds you well and you have an amazing day.


Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Day Fifteen - Six More Pages To Go In Chapter Five


Well, I moved through this faster than I had expected. I'll have this chapter done tomorrow and straight into chapter six.

What I'm noticing now is that the additional material is filling part of the rest of the chapters. This is actually very good as I have a scene that needs to be removed and the new work will help to fill that gap and hopefully more.

The other thing I like is because of the changes from the very beginning and that which consistently drove the story, it's now "locked in" to the new direction. Having said that, it's what I wanted this novel to look like from the beginning.

It's refreshing  how editing can really help bring the best out of a book.

Don't ever be afraid of it. From my experience, it can be very challenging, especially when you happen to think you have something pretty good.

If you have the right person there, then they will want to see the best of your story come out.

I have published articles (no longer available) that were rejected the first time around. The company made recommendations and I implemented those changes. A funny thing happened, The pieces became better.

At first it was rough because I thought I already had something really good. However, once I made the corrections, the work was elevated. (I know I basically just duplicated my paragraph above. Lol.)

The thing is, once you accept that editing will take place, you are only helping yourself and the manuscript. Creating a much better experience for the reader (which is you).

After all who wants to buy a book that is poorly written, looks strange, feels weird or whatever.

As a writer, it is my hope that a large amount of people will enjoy this work. I hope I can tell a tale you'll love and want to share with your friends.

Let's face it - If a writer doesn't have an audience how can they ever reach out and share their work?

So, the better the book, for me, the more likely you'll want to read it.

I hope you have an amazing and incredible day.


Monday, January 25, 2016

Days Twelve, Thirteen and Fourteen - Into Chapter Five!


Holy Cow! I made it!

I was actually hoping to be well into chapter five's editing today. However I am there even if it's not as far as I was hoping to be. I'll take that as a victory!

The first four chapters have been rewritten, edited and are now to my Editor for review. I have a feeling she's going to love them.

Remember my editor is my amazing wife! Both of us work really well together and I think she'll be extremely happy with the changes that I made thus far.

I'll be so glad when I have this book looking good! A much needed rest will be awesome! Plus to be able to say "YES! This is what I've been working towards!". I can't wait!


Working seven days a week on this is what I'm convinced will help me reach the goal of February 29th. Hopefully this week will see me go through as many chapters, which will set me up for that date. If can move through to chapter eight or nine by next Monday that would be awesome. We'll see.

As I move deeper into the novel, there are more changes that will take place of course. However, the story line is now pretty rooted in the new direction. So it shouldn't be too bad. Lol.

This "new direction" is actually the intended path that I originally wanted to see in this story. I hope you like it when you finally get to read it.

I really do love the fact that you are here watching this unfold with me. It makes me feel like you want to see it and hopefully are becoming inspired to follow your dreams too!

Don't ever forget that! As you uncover what you really love, you find your purpose in life and realize, as I have, the more you do that, the more the Universe supports you.

So enjoy the ride and thank you for continuing to follow in mine!

Hope you have an amazing day!


Friday, January 22, 2016

Day Eleven of Editing - Almost To Chapter Four


Well, I have just a couple more pages and chapter three will be done, onto the next one!

I didn't quite finish with this one but that's okay. I know, I'll have it done tomorrow and be into the beginning of the next one right away. If I work hard at it, I think I can still reach chapter five by Monday.

While that would be great, it'll also give me a sense of how the next four will go. Hopefully, I'll move through them with equal speed.

We'll see.

Sure is fun to be able to be on this journey. The discipline that is needed (for me, anyway) is necessary if I'm to finish the book and be proud that I'm representing myself well.

I have a feeling you'll love it.

Remember this is a paranormal mystery. The title of the book is: "Dream, Recurring". It's my hope that I will be able to have an awesome screenplay with it too. One which will be well received by Hollywood too.

For those that don't know, my logline is:

"Cynical by nature, a photographer discovers that she's haunted by a being after she starts having a recurring dream, revealing a secret that only the dead know - with the entity bent on keeping it."

This is the "hook", the "what is it?" when someone asks about it.

A logline is meant to be one or two sentences that you, myself or a Producer can tell if they like the concept or not.

Hopefully, they'll like it enough to see the screenplay and love the read.

Anyway, I thought I better go. 

I hope that you are having an incredible day and that this sees you well.


Thursday, January 21, 2016

Day Ten Of Editing


Well, to my surprise, I managed to get through half of chapter three. This is huge and it keeps me on track.


"Wow"... I say that a lot, don't I? I know, I know. However, it's only because I'm constantly amazing myself.

It also means that if I can continue at this pace, then I will be able to reach that goal. Even though its self-imposed.

Why is a plan important? Why not just write and whatever comes out.... comes out?

Well, for me, having a target in mind helps me to stay focused. I feel that pull every time I sit down to begin my day. You might think that it takes away the enjoyment of writing, however, for me it only helps to build the excitement.

You and I both know what I'm aiming for. I think this helps you to see if I'll make it or how close will I get.

The other question... "Why not just write and whatever comes out.... comes out?"

well, I still do have that happen. The difference is, with my attention on reaching my daily objective it helps to keep the creativity sharp too. Oddly enough.

I work well with a deadline. (At least I like to think I do. Lol.)

Anyway, it's just a quick note to let you know that this is where I'm at.

I hope you have an incredible day.


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Day Nine Of Editing


Well, chapter two is done. Onto chapter three tomorrow. Whew....

If I can keep pace with this, I think I will be at chapter five by Monday. That would be awesome!

By that time I will be moving into act two and looking forward to the progress.

It will also mean that I have a chance to meet my goal of February 29th.

I love the editing being done. I know I've said that before but I really am confident that it will be exactly what I was hoping it would become and more, after all these years.

Remember, there is thirteen chapters to this book and twenty pages for each chapter. That should make for about two hundred and sixty (260) pages .

It is interesting when you write something on this scale how involved everything becomes and how detailed you can go.

It's such a joy to say "Wow, I can do that".

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I'm now beginning to move faster and show that I might actually reach my goal.

I hope you have an amazing day.


Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Day Eight Of Editing


So, I'm almost half way through chapter two in one day. How awesome is that?!

This is the kind of pace I need if I'm to reach my goal of February 29th. However, if I miss it by a little bit, that'll be okay. The important thing is that it's helping me to stay focused. This is part of the writing process which is very important, in my view.

Having said that, I REALLY do want to keep that date. This is because there is so much to do this year that if I miss it, then I'll have to make it up somewhere else.

This is a driver for me.

Once I have the book edited, then I'm scheduling a two week vacation. At that time I will compose and send "letter of interest" emails to Literary Agents.

Wait a minute! "I thought you said you were going to take a two week vacation. That doesn't sound like a holiday to me." I hear you say.

Okay well, you have me on that one. However, what I'm referring to is a break from writing my next project.

I hope I can send out letters to about ten agents. Once I've taken some leisure time, then I will begin the process of writing the screenplay.

I aim to write about 125 pages. This will give me a little over two hours to tell my story on film. (The basic rule is: one page equals one minute of screen time.) So 120 pages is two hours.

If and when the movie gets made, I'm sure somewhere the Director will probably bring the timing down a little. That'll be in their hands, of course.

So, I figure the more material I have (by a little bit), they can choose what they want if it doesn't fit with their concept.

Having said that, I hope that for the most part, they like it enough where they don't see the need to make too many changes.

We will see. It goes without saying that I will keep my blog posts up to date so you can watch it unfold from here.

Anyway, I had a great day. I'm very happy with the progress made so far.

I hope your day is going well and you are doing great.


Monday, January 18, 2016

Days Five, Six And Seven Of Editing, Plus Inspiration From Dr. Wayne Dyer


Wow! Well, I finally completed chapter one! Woohoo! Onto chapter two tomorrow.

So, I'm basically about four days behind my schedule, however, there will be far less editing to do going into chapter two. My hope is that I will move through some of these early chapters quickly.

Much of the work in these later chapters are already at a place where I'm pretty happy with it.

We'll see!

So I wanted to talk about a show I started watching on channel nine. It was Dr. Wayne Dyer's show "I Can See Clearly Now". (His book has the same title.)

Anytime I have a chance to watch his talks, I'm glued.

Well, his message showed us a ladder, each run on it had words. The first one was "Willingness" the next one I saw was "Determination". There were more but I recorded it, so I could watch it later. At that point I had to go to sleep.

However, it's both of these that have me inspired to write about it.

The reason why is because I am reflecting on my own life and seeing how I came here to "put pen to paper". I love what I do. It's who I am.

However, the reason I bring it up, is because I hope that you find the "willingness" and "determination" to follow your dreams!

It takes courage and fearlessness to say "I'm doing this no matter what" but when you really start moving in the direction that you're meant to go, things start happening.

I can see that with my writing, it's flowing and I can feel this absolute pull to continue. I have no idea how this will all shape out but I know that I'm here and it won't stop!

There is so much that Wayne has taught us through the years. His books are pure inspiration. I love listening, watching and reading his work...

Anyway, I just wanted to write about him because I hope that you find what your calling is all about. What is the reason why you are here? Everyone has one.

The more you listen to your heart, the more you can find what excites YOU. Then you have to have courage to say "I'm doing this, no matter what!"

You'll know it because it's a song inside of you that won't keep quiet. Every chance it gets, something will happen to help move you in that direction.

I love writing. I will always write. It's what I do.

Find your magic and enjoy the ride that follows.

Anyway, I have to go. Until tomorrow!


Friday, January 15, 2016

Day Four Of Editing


So, I'm over halfway through with this chapter now. Okay, I'm starting to feel like I'm getting somewhere.

I've also just made the decision that I'm going to be working seven days a week on this until all of the book is through the editing process. It'll speed things up a lot.

However, I'm only going to post on my blog Monday through Friday, still. After all, it is the weekend and that will allow some time to pass before you read the progress.

What I'm thinking that will do, is give you the impression, on Mondays, that a fair bit of work has taken place. Which it will.

My hope is, you'll go "Wow! He really did do a lot!" Or something to that effect. Lol.

I've been thinking that I really love this process. I feel like I am sharing a journey with you and you are there, reading what I've done for the day.

I like that. Even though I have no idea if you really are, I continue on, because I think you want to follow this along. :)

I am going to be making some changes to the blog. I'm about ready to create a facebook page just for my writing. You will be able to click that link and follow me there and I am going to add a twitter button too. So you can follow me there as well.

I want to make it easy for you, if that is something you want to do.

Back to how many pages I've written: Twelve, as of today.

Remember, there are twenty pages to every chapter and I write three of them everyday.

It really is impressive how that adds up and gives you, the writer, the very real sense you are moving through the book.

This is why I like that. It's small moves which add up to one big novel, when it's finished.

If you are ever interested in becoming that author, then DO IT! It takes a while, but even when you have written your first draft, the rewards are awesome! It is a satisfaction that you can write something that big and the hope that one day you will have readers wanting to buy your book!

Anyway, that's enough for me today.

My hope is, that you have a great day and all is well.


Thursday, January 14, 2016

Day Three Of Editing


Whew, almost half way through the first chapter.

This is turning out to be awesome! I'm so thrilled with where this is going.

I know, I know. I'm saying that an awful lot. However, having seen the first chapter where I began and how it is shaping out now, I know it's the correct course of action.

I'm loving this process!

I'm thinking about introducing the characters so you can get to know them. It is something I've been thinking about since I began this. However, I would do it in an "interview" style.

In other words, I would ask "them" questions and they, of course would answer back.

I think it would be kind of fun but we will see.

It's sometimes difficult to fill this page because I don't want to be giving too much away, however I want to be recording that I'm making steady progress.

To be honest, I think it can be frustrating for you to hear the same things over and over. For that, I'm sorry.

Having said that, this is writing. This IS the way in which we writers move through the pages. It can take a while but the effort is so worth it in the end when you finally get to read a new and exciting book.

I therefore am very thrilled that you are hanging in there with me. Watching this from where you are, probably wondering when publication is going to happen.

I wonder the same thing too. However, I know that it will take place. It's just a matter of a little bit of time.

I hope you will be ready to read it when it finally happens and you will be able to say "I followed that guy as he created it".

Thank you again for being here and I hope you won't be disappointed.

Have an awesome day.


Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Day Two Of Rewriting


So, three more pages have now been written.

I know that this first chapter is going to be changed the most and will take me the longest. However, I feel that a lot of the book will remain intact, because it flows with the story.

Having finally finished the logline, it has really helped to crystallize the story, putting it into the perspective that it needs.

What is a "logline"? I hear you ask.

Well, as you know, I've been discussing that this book will become a screenplay. So, to learn about the best way to write one, I've turned to the book: "Save The Cat" by Blake Snyder. It's available at Amazon.

Anyway, what that book will do is teach you the finer points of a script. (I'm still reading it. Lol.) It's the hottest thing in Hollywood right now for writers because it does such a great job!

So, what's a "logline"? It is the "What is it?" When describing a movie. It should be one or two sentences that anyone can read and visualize a movie from.

Producers read it, as do we.

They are hard to write, in my view but I think I have it.

It really helps.

(I'll discuss more about my logline, when I begin writing the screenplay.)

Anyway, today was awesome! I'm so thrilled that this book is coming together in the way I had envisioned when I really began this journey.

I hope all is well with you and you are enjoying my journal.


Tuesday, January 12, 2016

So The Rewriting Begins!


Okay, finally have begun writing. Feels great! I must say that I'm really enjoying this. It already looks so much different and better. I'll be very happy with the outcome, when all is said and done.

The first chapter is my focus right now, of course. The first three pages are in.

This chapter might take a little longer than my original schedule of three days but I will make it up later for sure.

It's setting the stage for the rest of the book, which means that it has to be good.

It took a little bit to really get going but once I did, I found it easy to write. Of course.

I've been sitting with this story for the better part of, well, going on nineteen years now, so I better know it! Lol.

Which reminds me. Where did this really all begin?

Well, I've always been into the paranormal for most of my life. The experiences that I have had and the "stuff" I've come to learn have both intrigued and scared me.

One thing that has captured my imagination is out of body experiences. Since dreams are a source of mystery, it didn't take too long to ask the question "what if?"

Once I did that it followed that it would arouse my creativity and bring the two together in a short screenplay. The title of which was "The Dream".

This book had that same name too until I discovered that there are a number of novels that start with "the dream" on the front cover.

I knew then I wanted to change the name to better reflect what the manuscript was all about. So "Dream, Recurring" was created.

"The Dream" was well received by those that read it. They all had their "take" on it and I loved listening to it.

I even let a Producer read it. (I was working in the film industry at the time.)

He was so impressed that he said if I could make it a full-length feature, he would fund the movie!

I thought he was joking but he was serious. I was stunned and very humbled. I am a "nobody" screenwriter that has no track history. So that to me was huge!

Even though I couldn't turn it into the full length that I wanted to, back then, I knew I had something.

Years would go by, I left the industry to pursue other interests and I shelved the story for a while. I couldn't put the pieces together.

Finally the screenplay became my outline and the story grew. The first thing I wanted to do with it after years of collecting dust, was to turn it into a novel.

So, "Dream, Recurring" was born.

Anyway, it has led me to where I am now. A four book series that will eventually be written and I am committed to turning them all into screenplays. Hopefully they will all be seen as well as read.

I hope you have an amazing day!


Monday, January 11, 2016

Final Day Of Planning


Okay, well the last chapter has now received my notes for the changes I'm going to make.

Actually, the major difference from the old to the new will be because of the enhancements, which I feel will carry this story through to the end.

The bottom line is, I think by the time I have completed this part of editing that I will be able to begin moving it towards publication.


So what's next?

Tomorrow, I'll begin on chapter one, making the changes. I will always keep to my minimum requirement of three pages a day. However, I'm sure there will be times when I'll be able to produce more.

My hope is it'll take about three days per chapter. Although there will be some that only need one. If I look at the three day schedule, knowing I write Monday through Friday only, I can see me finishing the editing (ready for moving to a Literary Agent) by around March 3rd.

My original plan is to have it all ready by the end of February (aiming, more precisely by February 29th).

So, somewhere I have to make up three days if I'm to maintain my schedule.

I guess we'll see how it goes!

Hope you have an amazing day.


Friday, January 8, 2016

Day Three Of Editing: Planning Almost Complete


Well, this took a little longer today, some interesting things were happening.

I was focused on chapters ten through twelve, with chapter thirteen to plan on Monday. Almost ready to begin the actual rewriting.

I'm growing with excitement!

So, what was going on?

Well, now my emotions are completely invested in enhancing the story. I just want to start writing but I know if I don't do this part of the process, I'll loose track of where the book needs to go.

Plus I like the fact that I've left the last chapter for one entire day of review.

There were parts that I was reading, because I know of the original concept and that the changes will bring it back to that, which had me wonder why I even wrote those parts in.

Sometimes story-lines run away from you if your not careful...

Clearly, I was not as cautious as I should have been! Lol.

Thank goodness for editing!

Well, I wouldn't want to put something out there that you didn't like. (I know the paranormal isn't for everyone and I'm sure I won't be able to please some people but you can only put best foot forward. :) )

Much of today was all about following up on yesterday's work. Indeed Wednesday's as well. It just feels good that I'm close to putting this all together.

Hope you have an amazing day!


Thursday, January 7, 2016

Day Two Of Editing


Whew, what a day! Began planning chapters six through nine.

Because of the enhancements in the earlier chapters and the need to remove old story lines that don't serve the book, I found myself planning to rewrite most of these chapters.

This will take a little time but I can't wait to see the outcome.

I am certain that the remainder of the novel will go like this too, however it just means it's going to really elevate the original concept.

I can't wait!


So what changes have I made?

* Removed an old interaction between the main characters.
* Developed love interests for each of them (Lucy and Sam).
* Removed some characters that weren't necessary, so the story could better focus on them.

I'm very hopeful that you will really enjoy the final product just as much as I'm loving creating it.


Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Editing Begins


I'm back from my Christmas break and I started the process of making the changes to the book.

Everyday that I'm working on the novel, from now on, you'll see a post from me in here. (That means: Monday through Friday I'll be doing something towards completion of the project.)

So here goes:

Today was about planning what areas and changes that I would work on for chapters one through five.

It was an interesting process as I started to think what do I need to do to enhance the story. My editor and I, (Lisa and I), worked on some interesting concepts during the break that I'm going to bring in to the manuscript.

These are designed to ensure that the book stays on point and that your reading experience is second to none.

So what are some of the changes/enhancements that I'm making?

Well, without giving away the story, here are some sneak peeks:

*Enhancing the dream to bring in greater depth of the back story and mystery.
*Ensuring that the antagonist is darker, scarier.
*Introduction of the main characters in a better way that more falls inline with the tale.

These changes are exciting and I look forward to actually writing them. (That begins on Monday.)

Anyway, I look forward to tomorrow and I'm so blessed that you want to come along for the ride.
