Thursday, March 3, 2016

Day Forty-Three


Well, the great news is, I should be done with chapter nine tomorrow. I'm looking forward to moving into the next one. I can't wait!

This journey, I've been told, feels like I am taking you on a ride with me as my book moves into publication.

That makes me feel really happy because I want to share the experience with you. I feel like if I can do this, you may find your voice and want to contribute what inspires you, no matter what that is, to the world.

The question for me becomes the "what if". "What if" you look at this and realize that you are doing something or feel an urge to create but was never sure if you could really do it?

Maybe by watching this you think "I'm going to give it a try!"

Wow! That would be awesome!

If someone asked me what my market was I would say I like to help people feel like they are a part of something special. Because you are!

Not just this blog, of course, but what you are as a person! In my understanding I hope that everyone is able to bring their own uniqueness and believe that they can do it too. If they put their minds to it!

That means if you can stay focused on your passion, the chances are you'll start bring it to life!

Wouldn't that be awesome!

So what's my market? Simply put, it's the belief that you are unique and I just want to share what I do in the hopes that I can inspire you to share what you do.

Doesn't have much to do about the paranormal does it? Lol.

Well, it never really does. We write what we know and for sure I'm sharing a novel that I can speak with to some authority! However, the real knowledge comes in the fact that I can put this together in a way I think you'll really love and at the same time feel like your sharing in the journey!

Pretty cool huh?

I hope your day is an awesome one!


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