Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Day Forty-Seven


Well, today is another very productive one. I'm now closing rapidly on the halfway point of the chapter. I should zip pass that tomorrow, with any luck.

It amazes me as I see growth in the amount of people following my progress. From here, to Twitter and Facebook, there are more and more deciding to keep an eye out on how I'm doing. 

Thank you all for your support. It is without doubt inspirational.

How this will all turn out, only time will tell. However, I think I'm off to a pretty good start. :)

This would mean that if ever you were thinking of creating any kind of project I would start talking about it early. (With one exception: business.) 

I think that it's probably prudent to wait on that one. 

However, when talking about a screenplay, novel, or whatever which requires you to build a platform before it's launch then you absolutely have to begin as soon as possible.

It takes time. Patience is called for as you start looking at what you want to do.

I also feel that once I have my foundation, the next one should be easier. I'm learning a lot. 

Anyway. I hope today brings you all that you hope for.

Talk to you tomorrow.


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