Friday, May 27, 2016

Big Announcement Today!


I'm getting right into it today...

I am pretty sure at this point I am looking for a late summer release.

First of all I will be having the next three days off to celebrate the Memorial Day weekend. I'll be back on Tuesday. 

Now onto my progress:

I am completely done with the basic editing! Whew! Finally...

What I am working through right now is grammatical checks and final formatting.

I wanted to at least have a look at the grammar to get a feel of how much work I would have to do here.

Turns out that there are only very minor changes to take place from here on out.

So, I have the first chapter complete. It is my intention that I will do the checks and formatting to two sections each day, beginning Tuesday.

This puts me done with the book by about mid-week the first full week of June.

At that point I will print it up and allow my editor to proofread it. (She's my proofreader too. :) )

If that checks out and all is well, I will move to copyrighting at the Library of Congress and begin work on the website.

I will also finalize the sales copy that will go on the back of the book cover.

It's at that point I will make contact with Amazon and begin the process of putting it in the system.

Remember though, there is a ten week countdown that will take place.

I will know the exact date once I begin that process.

Here it comes!

I hope your day is going great and I look forward to talking to you some more on Tuesday.


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