Monday, February 1, 2016

Day Nineteen


Well, I did something rare... I took the weekend off. It was nice to be able to spend some quality time with my wife and rest up.

I did this because the push for the rest of the book is going to happen now and I want to ensure that the story is the best it can be. Truthfully I don't know how long it's going to take me to finish the editing.

However, I'm doing my best to make sure that I write the story the way I want.

While that seems interesting to say. (A question appears before me: "Why didn't I write it that way in the beginning?")

That's a great inquiry. Honestly I think it's because I really didn't know what I wanted the first time round. I am new to being a novelist and I'm finding that it takes a monumental effort to produce this project.

I love it too, at the same time. The real sense that I'm now on my way is feeling good to me. I firmly believe that once I have this draft in, there will be some editing to do on that too. However, it'll be much smaller in volume and I'll be able to move to grammatical checks, plus proofreading after that.

I feel at that point that I'll have the story and I'll be able to start the submission process. Beginning the screenplay at that time too.

I'm almost half way through the book and I remember what I felt like going through it the first time. Oddly enough I am feeling the same way: "I have a ways to go"; "I can't wait to be done".

Those thoughts go through my head as I move forward. The difference is that it's going quicker this time. (Even as I think to myself that I'm not sure how long this will really take.)

Well, I think that will be it for me today. I hope you have an incredible Monday and I'll talk to you tomorrow.


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