Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Day Twenty-One


Finally made it to the seventh chapter! Yes!!

This one felt like it took longer to go through but I'm done with it and can move on. Whew!

Once I'm done with this next chapter it will put me passed the halfway mark. Making me feel like I'm moving through this book.

When you work on this almost everyday it seems to take forever. The truth is, it's only February 3rd. My hope is that I will be able to continue at this basic pace. However, I know if I can't I'm okay with that too.

I just want to be done with this major part of the process.

"Patience." I hear you cry. "The better you do, the more I'll like your book!"

Indeed, that is so true. I wouldn't want it any other way. It makes for finally having a great novel (hopefully) where you just can't put it down.

I'm thrilled that I've reached this point and am really pleased by it's progress.

I will actually be starting the next chapter not tomorrow (as I have somewhere I need to be) but the next day, Friday. Then it's back to working seven days a week. (Unless of course something comes up.)

My point is, that I'm not taking days off (like a weekend) anymore. I'm writing/editing until I have the book whipped into shape.

Then I'll take some time off. (About two weeks to be precise.)

During that time I'll see if I can compile a list of agents together and start planning the inquiry process.

Anyway, back to the present and thank you again for taking the time to read my daily movement. It means a lot to me.

I hope you have a fantastic Wednesday.


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