Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Day Thirty-One


So I began this process of editing back on January 12th. Here I am on day thirty-one of this activity. Yes, I've taken a few days off however, I can honestly say that I'm very proud of this. The journey is long but so rewarding. My love of writing grows deeper and deeper everyday.

Some days I struggle to find the words and others it just flows. However, through it all I always do my "three-page minimum".

Why is that so important?

Well, three pages doesn't seem like a lot until you start to realize that it adds up and quickly. Working, as I do (for the most part) every day, knowing that I have a definite structure to each and every chapter helps me count and plan for what I like to call "production". Planning is so important, in my view when it comes to writing.

You could look at your the planning stages as "pre-production, first draft as "production" and finally the editing, publishing and marketing as "post-production".

If you do that, then you find that you have this same outlook when it comes to making a movie. Which, coincidentally I spent three and a half years in, many years ago.

I guess it sticks with you. Lol.

The one thing I have learned so far is to plan really well. Write your title, then the logline, before you do anything. These two things will help you drive the rest of your novel.

The planning stage will go that much better and you'll spend less time in editing (I imagine).

 I can't say that this time because I wrote my first draft before I really learned of a logline and realized that if I bring this very "film industry" term to my writing that it'll help.

And it has.

Don't get me wrong, I'm so grateful for learning about it because if I didn't I think this book wouldn't be the novel that you'll come to read (I hope) and enjoy.

If you decide to embark on you're own journey of becoming an author, then remember to plan. It's key in helping you move through your story.

I remember working on a show where the screenplay was written the day before we shot it sometimes that very day. It was fun and chaotic but the end product showed. It could have been better, if they went through the process.

Anyway, I look forward to talking to you some more tomorrow!

Hope you have an awesome Tuesday!


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