Tuesday, July 19, 2016

8 Weeks To Launch - Plus Major Announcement! More On CH. 1


So the road to publication continues. There are officially eight weeks left to go.

I have one thing I haven't properly declared yet. That is the release date.

Well today I'm happy to say that the book will be launched:

September 13, 2016

That is a Tuesday, which is eight weeks from now. :)

You are the first that I've said this to as well. (Besides my wife of course.)

Almost there!

Now without further ado here are two more pages of chapter one:

Chapter 1 (cont.)

Lucy thought a moment.

‘Okay, so before you say anything more, you know that my first thing I’m going to say is, “let’s look for the physical evidence first”. I’m going to want to really make sure that they are having a problem and it’s not all “in their head”.’ Lucy replied.

Sam sighed. ‘I know, Lucy. You say that every time.’

‘Well, that’s because most of what we’ve come across I’ve been able to find a reason why it happens.’ Lucy retorted back.

Sam rolled her eyes.

Lucy snapped. ‘See there you go again. All I want to do is make sure that what we are collecting is genuine and not manufactured because someone thinks that it would be cool if we performed an investigation, so they can make money from it.’

Sam paused a moment.

‘I know, I get that. I don’t want us to be publicly announcing “this” place is haunted or “that” house is, if it really isn’t.’ Sam replied.

Lucy smiled. ‘This is why we make for an incredible team. Because we can balance each other out so well and that we are after the same goal.’

‘You’re right, as always.’ Sam replied.

She often would say that because Lucy’s mind can be so closed at times. It’s almost as if she is still bringing her past to each of these cases. It seemed to Sam that there were more times that Lucy was discovering she couldn’t “explain it away” as she would put it.

‘Are you ready to hear about the case?’ Sam asked.

That was another thing Sam knew about her friend, she had to let her speak first. Allow Lucy to just “get that off her chest” so she would settle down into an open discussion, before moving forward.

‘I’m ready, sorry Sam. I know I need to allow you to introduce the case before I say anything, it’s hard for me to break that habit. I’m working on it.’ Lucy replied with a smile.

She knew what she was really talking about. ‘I know you are. I’m here to listen, you know I am.’

Lucy nodded, ‘Thank you Sam. Now let’s talk about this case.’

Sam began introducing the family, one by one. She started with the person that contacted her, the wife.

It was obvious to Sam that she was at the end of her rope. So, for their privacy, as per Lucy and Sam’s “operating procedures” they assign fake names so they could write about it or discuss it in public without anyone knowing who the clients really are.
The only place that the names of the people are found, would be a scrap piece of paper that Sam would show Lucy, then they would burn it as soon as they were able.
They went out of their way to protect the identity because they learned firsthand what happens in a small town when some people catch wind of who the real identities are and ridicule them.
It was their first case and it became so bad that the young couple felt they had to leave because a number of people were effectively pushing them out.

In this quaint town, there are some that don’t care what paranormal events are happening and others that do. In the group that does put their attention on it, some think it makes for great business and generally love hearing about the latest news.
Then you have a small group that feel if the town becomes known for these hauntings, it’ll push the tourists away.

Even though that’s already happened. In their minds, Island River is this peaceful beautiful place to live which is very popular with the tourists and couples who want to marry. To them, nothing paranormal happens here. They live in a bubble, while the rest of the townsfolk either don’t care or love hearing the latest story.

‘The names that I am giving them are: “Liz”, “Peter” and the children “Luke” and “Tina”. Luke is ten and Tina is eight.’ Sam stated. 

I hope you have an amazing day!

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