Tuesday, July 26, 2016

7 Weeks To Launch! Plus More of Chapter 1


Here we are. Seven weeks left. Marketing plan is well under way. I'm about to begin the process of publication within the next few days.

I'm beginning with the plan first because we are putting the final touches of the book cover. So I have time as it were. However, that won't stop me from starting that process later in the week.

And now, as promised, here is more of the first chapter!

(Remember that as these weeks go by you will be able to read the whole section right before I begin the Kindle promotion.)

Chapter 1 (cont.)

‘Okay. Do continue.’

‘So, the events started about two months after they moved in...’ Sam began.

Liz was the first to notice it. It would happen when the kids were at school and Peter was at work.
Slowly at first, she would hear noises coming from other rooms. Footsteps, knocks on walls and even sounds from the ceiling.

When she would go and look, the sounds stopped. She then just shrugged her shoulders and went back to doing whatever she was doing at the time.

Slowly, over time the events became more frequent and other things began happening.
She would notice that the sound of running water came from the bathroom, which stopped once she reached it. Lights flickered, even if they were switched off and then she caught glimpse of a female figure at the end of the hallway.

Before she realized it, the image was gone. However, that sighting meant an escalade in episodes, which would soon include the children.

Liz would talk to Peter about what was happening, however he didn’t experience anything. He would ask “are you sure you’re not just hearing things?” Then follow it up with “it’s a new house for us, there are bound to be noises this place makes that you aren’t used to.” However, she knew the difference but couldn’t share in the events because, at first, it would only happen around her.

One night, that would change how they all felt.

It began when the kids were settling in and preparing to go to sleep. Luke and Tina had just laid down, the parents had kissed them goodnight and closed the door. The room was dark.
Tina drifted off to sleep fairly quickly, however Luke was restless. He began staring at the corner of the room by the closet, when he thought he saw something there.

A shadow had formed in that corner. It was black and he wasn’t sure that he could see through it but as he continued to look, the shape began to move towards him.

At first he thought he was seeing things, however as it moved closer it took the shape of the woman that Liz had seen earlier.

It reached a point, about halfway from the wall to the corner of the bed and stopped.

By this time Luke was scared. He couldn’t move or say anything because he was so frozen with fear.

It stood there, watching him for several minutes.

Suddenly, it rushed up right to his face and looked him in the eyes.

He could see every detail of her. She was pale in complexion, her face looked like there wasn’t much left. Just skin and bones. There were no eyes, just dark sockets. It took everything that he had to scream. As he did that, Tina woke up suddenly and became terrified of what she was seeing.

Liz and Peter rushed in to see what was happening. That’s when, for a brief moment, they both saw it too.

The father yelled “out of my house!” Then switched on the lights and it was gone.

Sam sighed. This one was particularly troubling. ‘That was the last time they set foot in their home. No one has been back since and that was three months ago. They have tried everything and everyone, no one has been able to help them. We are their last hope. Both Liz and Peter have agreed to come with us to do the investigation. Their children are at her mom’s house.’

Lucy sat back and thought a moment.
She needed to be sure that she couldn’t rule out the normal things that people might think of.
Her Skepticism moved to curiosity and she nodded to her best friend.

‘Let’s take a look.’

I hope you enjoy!


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