Update on Progress:
It's been a long time since my last post. I wanted to bring you up to speed on my work for the revision of book one.
Here goes:
"The short version is:
I've completed my portion of the editing (yay!) and now the first three chapters are complete of the proofreading process. In addition, I'm making final tweaks to the cover.
The slightly longer version (sorry, it's a little long):
Whew! Completing the editing (before it goes to the Editor) is HUGE! I've added in new material (to help show the main character better and to deepen her arc. I've put things into "third person limited", meaning any thoughts which are read, can only be Lucy's. Past-tense should be fixed. Plus the following:
Sticky (I've kept to between 40-49.9% most of the way),
Diction (except in some dialogue places),
Echos (much better),
Dialogue Tags,
Pacing (decent),
Sticky (I've kept to between 40-49.9% most of the way),
Diction (except in some dialogue places),
Echos (much better),
Dialogue Tags,
Pacing (decent),
With all that work, I still need to have a Proofreader, Editor, and Beta Reader.
Why? Because I still miss things. And, like an inspector in a factory, the second, third, and fourth set of eyes help. Anyway, onward we go. Almost there." 😊
This excerpt was taken from my Facebook post. But I wanted to expand on a few things...
This refers to conjunctions in a sentence. Meaning words that join other words together to make a sentence. (For example, if; that; the; a; just; etc.)
There are many of them and the goal is to have a sentence's length to be 40% of them or less. (I don't worry about it while blogging because I want to give the effect that I'm talking to you in conversation.)
The percentage I went for (unless I was super close to 40% anyway), was between 40-49.9%. This number may change as the editing progresses and it might end up being closer to 40% but for right now, that's where I'm at. The sentences seem to flow well. (I've had my proofreader say that the book reads better.)
Diction is quite clean. Except in some dialogue spots. That's because we don't necessarily speak with perfect dialogue. So it looks more authentic if the errors are there when someone is talking.
This category displays words that are close together. This is where I would get the thesaurus out and change what I needed to. The goal was to bring those repeating words down to 10 or less for every 500 words or less. Didn't always happen but I'm pleased with the results thus far.
From here on out, I'm relying on my team to help me through the rest. And so far, my proofreader is doing a fantastic job! I can't wait to have this complete, copyrighted (for the revision), cover complete and published so you can take a look at how my writing has evolved.
Anyway, I hope you have a fantastic day!
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