So what's my first novel? Where was my inspiration?
The name of my first manuscript is "Dream, Recurring". The original title of the book was simply, "The Dream".
I changed it after I did some research on the name. I found it to be over used and I wanted to better reflect the meaning behind the story.
So the new headline was born.
What's it about?
Well, its a story that takes place in a small town on an island, which the main character has a recurring dream that leads her and her best friend on a terrifying journey. They quickly realize that there is something very dark and sinister to the mystery, which every small town has but this one is covered in the veil of time.
Where was my inspiration?
I have always been fascinated with the paranormal and its many different subjects. In this case I am exploring the dream world, possible out of body experience and throwing in a mystery that I think you will enjoy!
This process began eighteen years ago when I created a short screenplay for film (back when I was in the industry). I allowed my friends to read it. Everyone of them came back with something different and exciting.
One of them was a producer. He told me that if I could make this into a full-length feature, then I would have my money to make the movie!
Can you imagine, an unknown writer having the funds to shoot a movie like this?!
Well, of course I couldn't put the pieces together. It took years before I realized I wanted a novel and longer still to finally begin writing it.
Anyway, that's where I will finish it for today. I hope you enjoy this as much as I'm loving the process!
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