Friday, December 7, 2018

Ancient History Day.

Ancient History Day. 

I love looking back and seeing what amazing things happened or mysteries that haven't been solved. 😊

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Discovering New Authors

Discovering new authors, in particular - new indie authors can be a minefield. Who do you choose?

There are thousands of new self-published writers getting their work in front of the reader every week. The world of publishing has changed (in my opinion) for the better. While there is a place for the traditionally published books, there is a sense of unbound freedom that an indie author has.

Finding them is the key. 

A great place to start is:

These sites all offer something different. The first shows resources mainly for the writing community but gives you a good sense of where the self-publishing community is at, currently. 

The next two have a list of some great writers. Each one has a unique approach to their storytelling. I think you'll really enjoy it.

How Has The Self-Published World Changed and Why Should I Consider Them?

Over the years being self-published used to be (in large part) looked down upon. Perhaps for good reason. Writers may not have spent the money and/or time to edit their book or have a professionally designed cover, etc. They just wrote about their passion and hit "publish".

Fast forward to today and the industry has grown into a massive industry including resources for editing (plus editors willing to help the fledgling author), cover designers which also include (in some cases) a professional photographer and model. Plus websites like Book Bub willing to showcase their works. 

Growth is the only thing that is happening 

Now, it appears from a report of 2017 that the indie community is gaining ground over traditionally published books:

This is exciting news for us, small-time publishers. (Yes, the indie author is a publisher even though they only publish their own works.)

This is the perfect time to be looking for that new author. May you enjoy discovering your next series of books from that new writer!

Mark Canniff is a paranormal mystery author - with a twist! You can find him at  or on Facebook: Mark Canniff

Mark first published "Dream, Recurring" back in 2016. Even though his story has been received well, he has grown as an indie author and is currently working on a revision for book 1 and states that it should be out in 2019. Book 2 in the series will follow shortly after that.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Benefits of Reading "Dream, Recurring"

Benefits of Reading "Dream, Recurring".

As the new revision takes shape one question keeps going over in my head. How do I show you the benefits for you, the reader, for a book that is fiction?

Non-fiction, I get, that's easy. I would have already done the homework on that but how do I write it in this case?

Well, for starters, I could focus on the main theme. 

There are a number of themes going through the book but the one I like to focus on is "forgiveness". This subject, let's face it, can take years to figure out. I know it did for me...

I was sexually abused as a child. While the man in question was found guilty, back in that day, even our doctor said not to worry about the effects that had in my life. "He'll grow out of it."

My mom listened to that and thought "if the doctor is saying it, I guess that's what I'll do."

The short answer to all of that was it put me into a prison of my own making - one that would last 35 years. It wasn't until I went to therapy to finally heal the past, I found what I was looking for "Forgiveness".

Not just for him but for me too. In fact, one of the hardest things to do was let go of the pain I had harbored for myself.

When I did, that's when I realized that's what forgiveness is all about. And so, I relay this message to you:

In the revision of the book, you will discover how the main character moves through her own pain in search of forgiveness.

I  hope you are able to connect with it much better and ultimately, maybe, the story helps you, in a small way, to understand your journey. (If forgiveness is part of your path.) Most of us seem to have pain that's hard to let go, possibly from a past event or people that did something that we can't release.

Forgiveness is all about letting go of the pain you hold onto, not actually saying to someone "I forgive you, you can now return into my life".

Heck no! Why would you want them to repeat the pain they did to you? At the same time, when you release the suffering from your heart, you remove the negative, trapped emotion to one filled with love. 

This is the key to that path. 

Having walked this sojourn, I understand it much better than if I didn't go down this road. One might argue that if I didn't go through with it, I might not be able to write about it.

Forgiveness is hard. But it is in these depths of pain and suffering we find the strength we need to let go and heal. 

If this resonates with you, can you do the same? Maybe the new revision will help you with your journey.
