Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Destiny Tied To Your Story

"Destiny Tied To Your Story"

As we move through this thing we call "Life", we will meet many people. Some stay around for a while, yet others are here for a lifetime.

Sometimes you meet someone where the connection is so deep and profound you are left wondering "was that real". Some of these people are only in your life for a moment and then they're gone.

If someone is no longer there, it's okay.

I've had this happen more times than I can count. Sometimes, I've been that person that has entered a life, only to leave it a short while later.

Julia Roberts has said it the best. "Their part in your story is over."

Are they bad people? No. It means you were meant to spend a brief moment in the sun with them before they (or you) moved on.

Have an amazing day!


Friday, September 22, 2017

Living The Life of Your Dreams

To forge a good life, you must undertake many challenges. Rising above them and learning to harness your dreams will make you great.

Find what inspires you and go do it! :)

This is just a short post to hopefully keep you inspired to create your dreams. We all have come here to do something rather special, so wouldn't that be awesome if you were able to do it?

I will publish something soon that talks a little about following your passion and maybe finding ways to earn a living from it. 

Hope you have an amazing day!



Friday, September 8, 2017

Rachel Poli Interview

Well, here is the last of the interviews up to this point. Rachel Poli was a very gracious host and I loved the questions she asked about my writing process.

From here on out, I'll post the interview on my other blog and then let you know that one has come up, in case you wanted to check it out. (Actually, just like I'm doing now. Except it won't be every day. Rather only when comes up. Lol.)

Here's the link:

I hope you enjoy it!

Have an awesome day. :)


Thursday, September 7, 2017

The Reading Bud Interview

Wow, okay. So this interview I enjoyed for many reasons. One of them was the question about my five favorite authors.

The Reading Bud is a fantastic website that takes great pride in bringing publishers and authors together for the sole purpose of presenting good reading material for the reading public.

I felt humbled to have such an opportunity. 

If you would like to check out the blog, then hop on over to:

And enjoy! :)

Hope you have an excellent day!


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

AwesomeGang Interview

Here is the link to my blog:

Mark Canniff Media

In there, you'll find the interview from Awesomegang. This one is short, but still fun to do and I enjoyed every minute of it!

I also answered a question about marketing back then. Needless to say, I've learned a little since that time. But it's interesting to see what my "take" was on what I thought should happen. 

I'm always learning new things and marketing is one of those items that I don't think I'll ever know enough. Lol. In the coming weeks and months, you should begin to notice a difference in what I communicate with you.

Hopefully, it'll look better. (Like my website.)

Anyway, I hope you have an amazing day!


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The First Two Interviews Posted on My Blog

I have the first two interviews on my new blog. One is from IndieView and the other is from SeriousReading

The latter was never posted to my website because I ran out of room but you can find them here

Both of these were a pleasure to do. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I loved answering them!

Have an amazing day. :)


Friday, September 1, 2017

Mark Canniff Media

I have a new blog for the sole purpose of sharing my media encounters. (Minus my first story in the Stanwood/Camano News.)

I've simply decided to call it: "Mark Canniff Media". I know, it has that impression that I might have something to do with a media company. (Or that I created my own.) But rest assured I'm just keeping the reference simple. Lol. :)

Anyway, please check it out. I hope you enjoy it:

May you have an amazing day!
