Well, it's been a while since my last post and I just wanted to get you caught up on some of the things that have been happening.
The proofreading is making great progress. Should be done with that soon.
I also have the video footage for the trailers that I'm going to create.
Putting those together will take a little effort. Which is one of the reasons why I am needing a week in between them.
Also, I'll be focusing on Amazon tomorrow. Starting the dialogue. Asking questions, finding out what I need to know.
Once that's done, I'll know what I need to do in order to progress through that phase of the project.
Once proofreading is done and I verify the formatting, I'll submit the novel to be copyrighted.
That will take about eight months (at most) for that process. However, I'll be able to continue with production while I'm waiting. Which means that I'll still be able to launch later this summer.
Everyday, I'm closer and closer. The excitement is now beginning to build. I can feel it. :)
I hope you're Thursday is going great and I look forward to talking to you tomorrow.
Well, it's Friday. I wanted to give you a quick recap on this week's journey...
The website: saw 250+ visitors in it's first 48 hours. AWESOME beginning. There is nothing for sale at this time, of course but it does give you a little more insight of what I have planned. Plus as I grow, so too will it.
I have learned that once I submit my book for copyrighting and I have a receipt in hand from the Library of Congress (efiling), I don't have to wait for the official copyright to take place. (They give about eight months for the entire process.)
That is important because it means I can move ahead of the launch in a timely manner.
I am beginning to learn about Amazon's publishing process. This will include many questions to them (beginning next week), which I intend to do. First of all I have started to look at their information on their website. Any questions I have after that, I'll ask them next week.
I'm moving closer and closer to beginning the countdown. Once that happens you'll know that I have a really good idea of the official launch of the ebook and hard copy. (Remember, print on demand.)
The proofreading has begun and will be finished soon.
Anyway, I hope your Friday is going great and I look forward to talking to you next week.
Check it out:
Let me know what you think.
Thank you for your incredible patience on this journey of mine. I finally have one major milestone done.
This was critically important if the book (and future projects) were to come to life.
I couldn't do it sooner as I needed to make sure that the novel was practically done. All of my energies were focused on that most important task.
Now I'm excited that things are really moving forward.
And I hope you are too. :)
At this point I'm going to be writing twice a week as I move to final preparations.
Once the countdown begins, you will see the pages of the first chapter appear here. Then later in each week I'll keep you updated on the progress.
I hope you're having an incredible day.
Sorry it's been so long. I know I haven't written anything this week. However, I can tell you the reason for this is because I've been hard at work creating the website.
I'm at the point now where I believe it will be up and running by next week.
I'm hoping to have it working early on. The aim is Monday or Tuesday.
I'll keep you informed.
I like it. It's simple but functional. It serves my purpose perfectly.
There is a mobile version too so you will be able to see it on your phone as well.
I hope you like it.
Anyway, I just wanted to make sure that you knew what was going on and I wish you a great Friday.
I look forward to talking to you next week!
Okay, sorry I didn't have a chance to post anything yesterday, I found myself very busy with the last of the editing.
The Novel Is Now Complete!
Pending the proofreading which my wife is doing. This process is to ensure story flow and that it reads well as a finished piece of work.
Once that is done, I'll begin the copyrighting part.
It is at that stage (from next week) that I'll start building the website. I also will finalize the sales copy and get that on the cover.
Then I make contact with Amazon and start assembling it as an ebook and a printed novel. (So you can have your choice of format.)
Once I'm satisfied that I can see the end of that process in sight I can begin preparations for the ten week countdown.
Almost there!
Thank you for being along on this incredible journey. I hope you're enjoying it as much as I'm loving this too.
Have a great Friday and weekend. I'll talk to you more on Monday.
Moving right into it today...
I have completed four more sections, which places me at chapter nine right now for final grammatical check and formatting.
This is great news!
I'm still believing that I'll be done on Friday.
Why Friday, when you might actually be complete by tomorrow?
Great question! The reason I give myself until then is because I'm going to go through the entire novel once I'm done here as a way to perform a double check.
At that point there shouldn't be anything left and it's a matter of just making sure I didn't miss anything.
Then of course, I'm going to need most of the morning to print it up. :)
In any case, I will be able to hand it to Lisa so she can proofread it, ensuring that the flow of the story goes as it should.
Then it's copyrighting and creating the website. At that point I'm going to make sure the sales copy sounds and looks great so I can prepare to put it on the cover.
Almost there!
I hope you have an awesome day!